Meet the Team: Lilly Peters
27 June 2022
Photo: UHH/Haubold
Moin, my name is Lilly! Just like most of the team, I’m quite new to Hamburg. I only moved here after my A levels last year; I studied biology, mathematics and history. I have always been fascinated by psychology and evolutionary theory, that’s why I decided to start studying history as a part of my gap year because, in my opinion, it creates an intriguing space to combine politics, society, economy, psychology and far more. During my first semester I started working as a student assistant for Prof. Ulf Schmidt on the project “Taming the European Leviathan: The Legacy of Post-War Medicine and the Common Good”. Apart from that, I have completed numerous work experiences in hospitals with the focal points on neurology, psychiatry and plastic and reconstructional surgery for my medical studies that I will start in October 2022. That’s why I’m particularly interested in the medical and psychological domain of the research project.
In my leisure time I love to spend time outside, whether it is in the garden planting, riding my racing bicycle or reading in the sun – I’m happy! Besides, I try to travel as much as possible, because it is a wonderful possibility to get to know new cultures and to see breathtaking landscapes, which is perfect for another hobby of mine – photography – and to get out of my comfort zone. History has always been a part of my life because I went to museums and old castles, especially those in Germany and England, since I was a little girl and I have participated in LARP-events for quite some time, which are roleplay events that, in my case, were set in the Middle Ages. I have also learned to appreciate the proximity to the sea, as I originally come from near Frankfurt and enjoy swimming very much. Especially on the rainier days, I love playing the piano or listening to classical music while reading.
Regarding the (tough) question of which three books I would take with me if I was stranded on a desert island, I decided I’d take the following: Sophie’s World, Pride and Prejudice and one of the books of the Throne of Glass series. Sophie’s World is a lovely novel about a young girl intertwined with the history of philosophy as well as its influence on our lives – a perfect possibility to use all the time to challenge our brain. Pride and Prejudice on the other hand is a beautifully written story about feminism and too hasty judgements, set in a splendid old-fashioned setting. Last but by far not least, Throne of Glass is a fantasy series, that is just a comfort book to escape reality for a short – or in my case often a longer – while!