Qian Lu
Secretariat and Project Assistant
Deutsche Geschichte
Universität Hamburg
Faculty of Humanities
Department of History
Edmund-Siemers-Allee 1 (Hauptgebäude)
20146 Hamburg
Room: 127
Tel: +49 40 42838-9054
Email: qian.lu"AT"uni-hamburg.de
Area of Work
Qian works as a project assistant for Prof. Dr. Schmidt within the Department of History. She facilitates communication and assists with administrative and organisational matters regarding the ERC project Taming the European Leviathan.
Qian completed her studies at the University of Shanghai in 2004 and holds a BA in Law. She has extensive experience working with international companies in China and has worked within the University sector in the United Kingdom within the field of financial management. Qian is keen to support international cooperation in the fields of history and research and enjoys working within an international context.